Since it’s National Careers Week, we thought we could share some Tips & Tricks about how to get the most out of your job search and find the next step in your career!
Our very own Matt Ransley has shared his tips on how to improve your CV and catch a recruiter/hiring manager’s attention!
Your CV is a very important tool and one of the first things a recruiter get to see before making contact with the jobseeker – therefore it is essential to know what to include and what no to!
The Good Stuff! ✅
– Tell us who you are and a few sentences about your experience and why you are the best person for the job – sell yourself!
– Use a professional font, please don’t use Comic Sans! Keep the font size regular throughout. Use bullet points to list your duties in each role. Your CV should flow and be easy to read!
– Remember to include dates for your previous employment of when you started and left the role. Try not to leave gaps in employment. Remember to list work history in reverse chronological order. ⬅️
– Tell us what you have learned and what software you can use. What skills are transferrable to the position being applied for?
– Make sure to reference your qualifications, from school, college and university.
– We don’t need to know your address, date of birth or marital status. The only details you need to include are name, email address, phone number and a general location.
The Bad Stuff! ❌
– Keep it simple! Don’t include photos or skills graphs. Also try to avoid big messy paragraphs and break them up into digestible sections. ✍️
– Spell check! There is no excuse for misspelled words in your CV! Make sure to proof read your CV and correct ALL mistakes and grammar.
– Try and keep it short. A two page CV is considered to be but sometimes this isn’t achievable, but don’t be sending us eight pages!
– Cliché, Cliché, Cliché! We have seen them all. Try to be original and think outside the box. A profile containing 10 Clichés is not what we want to read. Get creative.
– Email address. Every part of your CV need to be professional. Avoid email addresses that include a inappropriate nicknames or offensive language.
We hope this helps! Remember – we are always here to help improve your CV and job applications. Give us a call and we can guide you through it